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Rat Care Basics


At Willow Tree Rattery we feed a mixture of Mazuri 6f and Doggy bag dog food. They also receive fresh fruit and veggies.


A block food should always be available along with fresh water. There are plenty of good quality block foods at local pet stores. Stay away from rat foods that have seeds. Seeds are not the best food for your new rat. 


Here is a link to a general list of things your rats can have:



When keeping Rats they must be housed in pairs or groups. These pairs or groups must be of the same sex. Rats can be spayed or neutered if same-sex pairs is not an option. Rats are very social animals and will become depressed if separated from other rats. There are some cases where this does not apply.

Rats should never be kept in glass cages or tanks. Tanks do not allow proper air flow and because of this, it can cause your rats to have respiratory problems. The best housing for your rats is large wire cages such as critter nations or similar enclosures. Bin cages are a good alternative as well. Both of these options allow proper air flow. 


Link for critter nation :)

Common Health Problems

This is a link to a few common health problems that appear in rats. 

Please consult with a vet if you believe your rat may be sick. 


Toys and Enrichment

Toys can vary from almost anything. Boxes, rocks, safe woodchucks, hammocks, ropes, frozen veggies, and much more. Local pet stores have a huge variety of toys that your new pet will love. Online is also a good option! Here are a few links to give you some ideas and these are a few of the toys we use here at Willow Tree Rattery. 



Wooden blocks- These are great for your little rat friends. Rats need to be able to chew on things so they can keep their teeth at a manageable length:


Space Pod- Great hides for the top and the bottom of the cage!:


Rope Hammock/Bridge- Simple rope bridge to get around or chew up:


Hammock- Fun place to sleep. Safe and up high. Rats love hammocks so much!:


Just a few toys we use and recommend. Take time to see what your pet likes best. :)


Bedding is a large topic that is up for discussion through the whole rat community. At our rattery, we use a mix of carefresh and tractor supply wood chips. Here is a link to both of these products.



Rat Care: FAQ
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